I would rather tell all my secrets and daily problems to a screen that doesn't fight with me on the way I deliver my message than to have one person I have to talk to in real life. People are so fickle... especially those that are close to you. One second, they are screaming from the rooftops about how great they think you are.... the next second, when they don't get their way, they're sitting in the next room gossiping about how terrible you are.
Life has a way of sifting out the ones that don't belong there.
No Worries
Ray ❤
Saturday, July 4, 2015
The Sifting Process
Saturday, June 27, 2015
All Because of a Shower
I let a homeless man take a shower in my house today. I was trying to be nice but, for my family, they did not see it that way. I had a loaded gun on the table for a "backup" plan. This person also went to high school with both of my brothers... my brother had told him to come back later when he was here and he would let him shower. My brother then went to Target and bought him new clothes for this evening. When the homeless man got to our house, my brother was just leaving the movies. So, I found the guy a towel, started the shower, made sure the gun was loaded and accessible, and let him in to the bathroom. I didn't think it was a big deal... I mean, I had a loaded gun on the table.
They did not feel that way. They felt I put everyone in danger and then some rough patches in my life were brought up.
How did it end? In anger, we all decided to move out from the same house. So, tomorrow I will be packing.
All because I let a homeless man take a shower.
Oh... by the way... he took a shower, thanked us profusely and left. No harm... no foul...
No Worries
PS.... do I know there was some risk involved? Of course... but I also trusted that my God and/or my gun could keep us safe.... while trying to help a fellow human being out.
Friday, June 26, 2015
Let's Act Like It
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Win with the Truth
The person that had been irritating me by spreading defaming and slanderous lies is at it again. I wonder if he thinks that he is above the law just because he is a law enforcement officer...?
Either way, I will have my day in court. As soon as I can, I will file every motion I can to have him removed from my life on a permanent basis. I cannot make him stop dragging my name falsely through the mud... but I CAN make him pay for it. As a law enforcement officer, he knows that making false statements and filing false reports is a crime. In Florida, it is actually a third-degree felony. I suppose that even though he is trained to know the law, it did not stop him from breaking it. I was cleared of EVERY SINGLE accusation that he spewed at me... unfortunately, he will not have the same outcome. I don't have to lie to get the court to decide in my favor... quite the contrary... I just have to tell the truth.
No Worries
Ray ❤
Monday, June 15, 2015
Get The Hammer
There are some people that drive me crazy. They don't drive me crazy because of their personality or the "way" about them. They aggravate me because they are literally pathological in their lies. You tried to nail me to a wall? Well, I got a hammer too... but with truth.
There is a certain "man" that fabricates stories to fit his agenda. He gets a small (tiny) portion of truth and then adds a ton of twists and turns to give himself the opportunity to be seen as a victim. He refuses to take responsibility for anything he's ever done and then he lies to make things appear differently.
The worst part is he is an officer of the law. This officer also called Child Protective Services on me. (It is called DCF in Florida...) It was very embarrassing for everyone involved but thankfully, it was all lies so the case is already closed.
Next up? I will try to prosecute him to the full extent of the law. I will not be bullied by a "normal" individual... forget being bullied by someone that is intentionally slandering and defaming my name and character.
God... I pray that You help me to forgive... because right now, I don't feel like it.
No Worries
Ray ❤
PS... This guy has NOTHING to do with my daughter OR me... he's just someone that thinks if he pushes hard enough that I will bend. Sorry sucker... in this situation, I'll be an Olympic acrobat! Let's see what I can do WITH THE TRUTH! I don't even need lies.
Sunday, June 14, 2015
My Way
There are things that we will never understand. Life has a way of kicking you in the teeth... even when you're down already.
I know people think that 4 months is just long enough for everyone to think I should already be over my dad's death... but, in my experience, that is just not the case. I'm not saying that I haven't adjusted to the pain... but I AM saying that the pain doesn't lessen... I just adapt to it.
Some have called it pathetic... but either way, it's my way of grieving... not theirs. They still have their dad.
No Worries
Sunday, May 17, 2015
Be Enouraged
We are almost to the 4 month mark of my dad's death. Between the deep heartbreak and grief from that and the other emotional and financial stresses... 2015 has been a rough ride for me.
Having said that, I will continue to trust God. It is not always an easy task but it is paramount to my survival.
If someone out there is reading this and is going through something so hard, remember this.... trust God. It may seem impossible or fruitless but I promise that it works and will help when nothing else will.
Be enouraged.
No Worries
Sunday, April 26, 2015
Happy Birthday Pop
So, this is the first birthday without you. You would have been 64 years old. I imagine the phone call that we would have had today.... it would have included me telling you how old you're getting and asking you what you wanted. Of course, you would tell me that you wanted nothing but you would have had some smart and sarcastic remark about me teasing you about your age.
So, I'm taking Olivia to Niagara Falls today. It was one of the best times I can recall us having and it will serve as a remembrance moment for us in the process.
I pray that God helps my brother and sister through today. We all may put a brave face on but, in all honesty, this entire situation has broken our spirits to the very core.
Happy Birthday Pop...
Love you ❤
Thursday, April 16, 2015
Thank You For The Pain
Learning to live again.... learning to love again is something that seems like an impossible task. As I learn to adjust to my new reality, it is always something that reminds me of the worst day of my life. Something always reminds me... something always triggers the tears that sting.
Having said that... I will also say this... I have learned to lean on God (my Heavenly Father) like never before. I cry and I "tell Him all about it." I tell Him how much I miss my dad. I tell Him how I need to know where my dad will spend eternity. I tell Him how I feel like dying on some days to escape from the pain. I also tell Him how grateful I am to Him that He allowed me to have my dad for the time that He did. I thank God that He will teach me to help others through this experience. I thank God that He has allowed me to feel pain (in this way) so that I can relate to Him better, concerning Salvation and the cross.
I love my dad... but more than that, I love God.
Ray ❤
Friday, March 27, 2015
Because I Have No Dad.... That's Why.
Friday, March 20, 2015
Pajama Day
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
In The Moment
Sunday, March 15, 2015
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
Sunday, February 22, 2015
1 Month Mark
Today marks a month since my dad passed away. I can confidentially say that this has been the worst month of my entire 32 year life. In one way, I got to today in a blink of an eye... but when I was going through those first tormenting days, it felt like the longest days ever.
What have I learned? Many things...
Some things that were really important to me aren't as important anymore. Then other things that weren't that important have become infinitely more important to me. I learned that my body has no threshold on how many tears it can produce either.
I love you dad and genuinely miss you every moment of every day.
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Dodge It
I do not know how this is ever going to feel better. My dad and I had many problems in the past. But, in the past 5 year, or so, we have made so many leaps and bounds towards a normal and healthy relationship. Right now, I am supposed to be writing his eulogy, but I don't want to have to do that so I am doing everything possible to dodge that task.
Please pray for me as I am not doing well at all.
I usually sign off as "No Worries".... but that would seem just wrong to me right now.... so, I'll try this.
Love you Dad
Monday, January 26, 2015
Nothing Matters... He's Dead
I was consumed with school work and all that goes with it... until the afternoon of the 22nd. My phone rang and there was a woman that said I needed to get to the hospital immediately. I wasn't sure why but I threw my shoes on and got there ASAP. I walked up and saw the EMS doing CPR on someone.... I immediately went into tears and I buckled to the ground. THAT WAS MY DAD!
Without going into detail, after an hour and a half of them trying to get his heart beating again... he passed away.
I have never felt pain like this in my life. I am devestated. I am perplexed and grieving. I can't sleep... I can't eat... I'm numb... yet the pain pierces through the numb feeling and the sobbing starts again.
Nothing feels important anymore. I feel lost. I want my daddy back.