Friday, July 23, 2010

Pulpit Pimps

I think I saw one too many pulpit-pimps on television. I am so irritated at these people. I mean, they have lavish EVERYTHING yet they are preaching to people that have NOTHING to send them more money. Listen, I have no problem with tithe... I have no problem with offering... what I DO have a problem with is the people that are supposed to be PRAYING for you are actually PREYING on you. Prosperity has been taken to another level! "Send me a sacrificial seed and God will bless you with" ______________. I even tried changing the channel and BAM- another one! They want us to buy some sand from Jerusalem... some water from the Dead Sea... some rock from a mountain in the middle east-- FOR WHAT??? God will bless those that are good stewards of their money... not to those that send all their hard-earned cash to these wolves.
Am I mad? YES! I am not saying that a preacher is not to get anything for the things that they do-- of course they should... but to "make a living" by selling the Word?? That's ridiculous! The worst part is that most of what they preach will NEVER help anyone! How in the world can anyone be helped by the preaching of the Word if they have "doctored" it so that the name of Jesus is replaced with theirs? "Go ahead, give me your best and see what God can do!" That was AN ACTUAL quote from ding-dong Murdock! So, let me get this straight... what you REALLY just said was, "I need your money but the blessing in which I have promised has to be taken care of by Almighty because all I REALLY have is money.... I have nothing else to offer you than empty promises."
I also get mad at the people that fall into this thinking. If they read their Word a little more, they would see and discern this type of junk. If it looks like a wolf... acts like a wolf... smells like a wolf... MUST be a man/woman of God?? C'mon- there is NO way that I am the only one that gets so irritated at this branded gospel.
I almost wrote that I was sorry that it's coming out this way-- but, then I feverishly tapped backspace because I AM NOT SORRY! See?? This has got me yelling! lol
Alright, can someone lend me a hand so I can step down from this soap box? My knees are still weak and this box is pretty tall.

No Worries


  1. you said it girl!!! I feel the exact same way! Long offering pleas with empty promises, and stories of how when they emptied their wallets, they got 10,000 dollars the next day, just make me soo mad too! Your average Christian rarely gets the proverbial check in the mail, they work at a job for their money and diligently put money aside in savings! Keep it up Rachel, I like your soap box!

  2. I say these same things all the time..these so called preachers make me nauseated to the point of vomiting...i really can't even bare to watch such rubbish! Well said RAY WE NEED THIS KIND OF SANE VOICE IN THIS TIME

  3. Awesome Rachel! I totally agree!

  4. oh that last comment was from me! sorry! Rachel R!
