Monday, March 28, 2011

Still Fat

I was so excited and full of energy when I was eating correctly and exercising. Now? Ugh...
I lost weight and then went to Baltimore... then came home and was still out of my "groove"... I have gained back all but 5 pounds.
In the journey of weight loss, I was thinking that I would just make the decision and BAM (like Emeril)... I would do it. But, this is NOT how it has turned out.
I have applied at the neighborhood YMCA for a scholarship because I cannot afford to just pay the regular rate.
Why am I disclosing this? Not because I am not embarrassed about it... because I am. But, I know that if I am not honest with myself and others... I will never be able to attain OR maintain my goal.
SOOOO.... there it is... I am still fat... I need to start again... but such is life.
No Worries

1 comment:

  1. i struggle too!! so sorry! -jenny franchi
